The VI-SPDAT Status Report helps agency staff track Coordinated Entry status.

  • If a VI-SPDAT has been complted.
  • If a client has a signed VI-SPDAT ROI.
  • If the client is currently active on the Community Queue.
  • If the client has been referred to a housing program and the status of that referral.

How to Access the Report

  1. Make sure you are logged into the STEH Coordinated Access agency in Clarity.
  2. Choose Reports from the launcher.
  3. Click on the Data Analysis tab.
  4. Expand "STEH Coordinated Access" reports.
  5. Click "Run" next to the VI-SPDAT Status Report.

Report Results Explained

The report is limited to Heads of Households active in Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, or Transitional Housing programs. Results will be limited to clients active in the agency the user has access to in Clarity. For example, if a user has access to Shelterhouse and STEH Coordinated access in Clarity the report results will include clients who are currently active in Shelterhouse programs.

When applicable, the report will pull in the most recent VI-SPDAT details and the most recent referral details.

Report FieldDescription
Client Full NameName of the client (head of household). Clarity HMIS de-identifies client records annually for every client whose Clarity record has not been updated in 7 years. Contact HMIS support to update the record to the client's name if needed.
Unique IdentifierThe client's Clarity Unique Identifier. It can be used to search for the client record in Clarity. Use the Clarity Unique Identifier when emailing details about the client as it will not disclose the client's personally identifiable information.
Personal IDUse the Personal ID to open the client's Clarity record.
Completed VI-SPDAT?Yes indicates the client has a completed VI-SPDAT. No indicates the client has not completed the VI-SPDAT
VI-SPDAT Completion DateThe date the most recent VI-SPDAT was completed. This will show null if a VI-SPDAT has not been completed.
VI-SPDAT Assessing AgencyThe agency entered in the "Assessment Location" field on the most recent VI-SPDAT.
VI-SPDAT ScoreThe score of the most recent VI-SPDAT
VI-SPDAT Consent?Yes indicates the client has a signed VI-SPDAT consent form uploaded to their Clarity VI-SPDAT project enrollment. No indicates the client does not have a signed VI-SPDAT consent form uploaded to their Clarity VI-SPDAT project enrollment. *All clients enrolled in the VI-SPDAT program must have a signed VI-SPDAT consent form.
Referral ProgramShows the most recent program the client has been referred to. If this reporting field is null (empty), the client has not been referred to a housing program.
Referral StatusShows the status of the most recent referral. Pending means the referral is still in process. Completed means the client has been enrolled in the housing program. Denied means the client denied the placement or the provider denied the client. Expired means the referral expired before it could be completed or denied.
Is client currently on queue?Yes means the client is currently referred to the Community Queue. No means the client was referred to the Community Queue at one point but is no longer active on the Community Queue. Null (empty) means the client has never been referred to the Community Queue. *All clients must be actively referred to the Community Queue in order to be placed in housing.
Current AgencyLists the agency(ies) the client is currently actively enrolled in.
Current ProgramLists the Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, or Transitional Housing program(s) the client is actively enrolled in.

TIP: click on any reporting column label to sort the report by the column results.

Reporting Filters Explained

  • Assessing Agency - filter results to only include VI-SPDATs completed by a specific agency.
  • Referral Status - filter results based on the referral status. Results will only include clients who have been referred to a housing program.
  • Assigned Staff - filter results based on the staff person assigned to the current program enrollment. This is only available to users who enter data into Clarity. Assigned staff is not imported through the API data import.
  • Current Program - filter results by the program the client is currently active in.
  • Assessment Date - looks if a VI-SPDAT was completed within a specific time frame. For example, if you enter "is in the last 30 days," results will show if a client has or has not completed a VI-SPDAT in the last 30 days.
  • Client Full Name - filter results by a specific client name. TIP: change the filter from "is" to "contains" if you don't want to type the full client name. This will allow you to type a partial name.

Additional Resources

How CE VI-SPDAT Works in Clarity - includes video and details about enrolling a client in the VI-SPDAT program, Completing the VI-SPDAT Condsent (ROI), completing a Current Living Situation (CLS) assessment, completing a VI-SPDAT assessment, referring to the Community Queue, accessing the VI-SPDAT assessment after it has been completed, and using the Chronically Homeless Assessment.

VI-SPDAT Checklist - Printable checklist to assist users in completing all required data entry for the VI-SPDAT program and housing placement.

VI-SPDAT Issues Dashboard - Enrollment in the VI-SPDAT program, completion of the VI-SPDAT  and Current Living Situation (CLS) assessments, a signed VI-SPDAT Consent (ROI), and referral to the Community Queue are all required to ensure the client is placed on the housing prioritization list, able to be referred to a housing placement, and accuracy for CE HUD reporting. This article will inform users how they can access and use the VI-SPDAT Issues Dashboard to check all required data entry has been completed for their clients.

Understanding the Different Client Consents and ROIs in Clarity - will walk users through the different types of client consents that are required in Clarity and when to use them, including the VI-SPDAT ROI.

Veterans By Name List (VBNL) - All veterans accessing Cincinnati/Hamilton County homelessness services should be added to the VBNL. This article details how and when to enter veterans into the VBNL program in Clarity.

Chronically Homeless Assessment - Chronic Homelessness can be an important factor in housing prioritization. This article details how and when to use this tool.

VI-SPDAT Assessment Questions - This article offers a preview to the VI-SPDAT assessment questions and why they are asked.

On-Demand Course List - This article provides a description of the STEH HMIS on-demand course list. There are several courses related to using Clarity HMIS, including training offerings specific to Coordinated Entry. On-demand courses are able to be completed at your own pace, include section quizzes to demonstrate understanding, and hands-on activities to offer real-world practice. Contact HMIS Support to request access to any of the on-demand courses.

Contact Information

If you need help, or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Support team at or by calling 513-263-2790 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

When contacting HMIS support about a particular client, please do not send personally identifiable information such as social security numbers, medical information, or other data that can be used to identify a client. Instead, use the Clarity Unique ID.