This tool has been developed by the CE and HMIS teams to efficiently expedite the process of housing the most vulnerable individuals in Hamilton County while promoting the use of secured and up-to-date technology.
Accessing the Chronically Homeless Assessment
1. Be sure you are logged into the STEH Coordinated Access agency.
2. From the client profile, click on the "Programs" tab.
3. Click the edit icon next to the CoC VI-SPDAT project enrollment. (Click here to learn about enrolling a client in the CoC VI-SPDAT program.)
4. Click on the program level "Assessments" tab.
5. Click the "Start" button next to the Chronically Homeless Assessment.
Completing the Chronically Homeless Assessment
The [Cin-01] Verification of Homelessness Report is used to document homelessness based on data entered in Clarity HMIS. Additional documentation is not required for periods where the [CIN-01] Verification of Homelessness Report can be used to document homelessness. However, if a client has periods of homelessness other than what is documented in Clarity HMIS, additional documentation is required to determine Chronic Homelessness. The Chronically Homeless Assessment is used to track that additional documentation.
For example, Leonard Demo has been homeless since May 2020. He was living in a southern state at the time and relocated to Northern Kentucky in January 2022 to be closer to family. He has stayed in shelters in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati since relocating. We will use this scenario to discuss completing the Chronically Homeless Assessment.
Assessment date: Date the assessment was completed.
Disability Verification on File: Answer yes if the client has disability verification. Please do not upload disability verification to the "Files" tab.
How many months of homelessness documentation is available in Clarity within the past 3 years? * : Choose the number of months homelessness documentation is available in Clarity. This information is confirmed with the [CIN-01] Verification of Homelessness Report.
For Leonard, we would answer yes since he has experienced homelessness outside of Cincinnati/Hamilton County.
How many months of 3rd party documentation is available in the last 3 years: Choose the number of months of third-party documentation available.
For Leonard, we will choose 4 months as we have supporting documentation from emergency shelters in Northern Kentucky for Jan-Apr 2022.
List months documented by 3rd party (list each episode): Provide details about each episode of homelessness documented by the 3rd party.
For Leonard, we entered details of the documentation we have received from shelters in Northern Kentucky.
Client has additional self-certification documentation of homelessness: Choose yes if the client has periods of homelessness where third-party documentation is not available and self-certification will be used.
For Leonard, we will choose yes as we were not able to obtain supporting documentation from the time he experienced homelessness while living in the South.
List months of documentation by Self-Certification: Provide details about each episode of homelessness documented by self-certification.
For Leonard we have included details of his self-certification.
Is additional documentation of self certification uploaded to client file in VI-SPDAT project: Choose yes if you have uploaded the supporting documentation to the "Files" tab in the VI-SPDAT program. Continue reading this article to learn more about this process.
Has the client been documented homeless for the past 12 consecutive months: Choose yes if there is supporting documentation for the past 12 consecutive months.
For Leonard, we would answer yes. We have supporting documentation from Jan - April 2022, self-certification from June 2020 - Jan 2022, and homeless certification in Clarity using the [Cin-01] Verification of Homelessness report from May 2022 - present.
This household has been residing in a a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or emergency shelter for at least 12 months, but has not done so on four separate occasions: Toggle on if statement is true.
The household was enrolled in permanent household project with the last ear, and met the criteria for Chronic Homelessness prior to entering that permanent housing: Toggle on if statement is true.
Hit "Save" to save the assessment.
Uploading Homelessness Supporting Documentation
Third-party documentation and self-certification documents must be uploaded to the "Files" tab in the CoC VI-SPDAT program. This will help the Coordinated Entry team confirm the client meets the requirements for chronic homelessness and also will streamline the process of getting the needed documentation to housing projects once a housing match is made.
1. From the client's VI-SPDAT enrollment, click on the program level "Files" tab.
2. Click on the "Add File" button.
3. Choose the category: "CE VI-SPDAT Files"
4. Choose the appropriate file name (for example: 3rd Party Documentation or Self-Certification),
5. Click on "Select File."
6. Navigate to the file you want to upload and click open.
7. Click the "Add record" button.
You can review, edit, or delete the file from the program level "Files" tab.
Contact Information
Please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Support team if you need help or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, or call 513-263-2790 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday -Friday (excluding holidays).
Please do not send clients' personally identifiable information such as names or social security numbers via email Instead use the Clarity Unique ID located on the client profile screen.