The Veteran By Name List is a list of Veterans in our community that was created using profiles in HMIS and the Coordinated Entry VI-SPDAT triage tool. The VBNL Program was developed to be used for veteran specific housing and resource matching within Coordinated Entry and to track specific outcomes for Veterans experiencing homelessness in our community. Every veteran enrolled in Emergency Shelters, GPD, or Outreach programs should be included in the VBNL.

To access the VBNL, switch to "STEH Coordinate Access" agency in Clarity.

Search for the Individual or Head of Household you would like to enroll. Go to "Programs." Scroll down to "Programs: Available and select "Veterans By Name."

Toggle on any household members, if applicable and select "Enroll." Clarity will then walk users through program enrollment.

Program Information

The program consists of an Enrollment Screen, an Exit Screen, and an Assessment. Each enrollment corresponds to a single entry in the master list of the Benchmark Generation Tool. 

All information in the enrollment screen is optional. Enrollments may be modified at any time after they have been created to add additional information, such as notes, or correct existing information.

A number of fields are provided only for context and are not used in the Benchmark calculations. This includes a "Notes" field, which may be used to record a per-enrollment note that will show up on the Benchmarks Worksheet. 

The enrollment screen also contains prior living situation and Disability information, this is used in the Benchmark calculations, this is optional as it should cascade from other enrollments, and can be acquired if missing.

The "Housing Offer" assessment is used to record offers of permanent housing and to populate the Permanent Housing Offers section of the in the Benchmark Generation Tool. Housing offers should typically be made and entered every two weeks. The "Assessment Date" indicates the date the offer was made, and "Date of Accept or Decline" indicates the date of the response to the offer. If the assessment is being completed at a date later than the offer was made and accepted, the assessment date should be modified to indicate the date the offer was made, not the date the assessment is being entered into clarity. 

Complete the VI-SPDAT Client Consent

After you have completed the enrollment, you will need to complete a Coordinated Entry specific VI-SPDAT Client Consent to release of information (RoI). The Coordinated Enrty processes requires a unique client consent form because the Coordinated Access agency is a program shared by all trained users from shelter, outreach, and transitional housing programs vs. having defined staff employed by the project.  

To enter the VI-SPDAT ROI:

From the enrollment, select the Forms tab. Then click on the ADD FORM button.

1. From the pop-up box select the VI-SPDAT Client Consent (ROI) and then click Add.

2. Review and sign the form.

Review the consent with the client. Ask the client to sign the form using a touch screen or computer mouse. 

3. Click Apply and then click Save. 

Or upload a PDF.

You can also upload a signed PDF version of the form by toggling on "Upload scanned version of form."

Click on the Select File button.

Navigate and select the file you want to upload.

You will be able to review the completed form from the Forms tab.

IF THE CLIENT REFUSES TO SIGN THE VI-SPDAT ROI, delete the program enrollment and reach out to the STEH Coordinated Entry team for guidance.

Program Exits

Exits will be automatically generated when a Veteran enters permanent housing, and due to inactivity. Exits may also be entered manually if necessary. The only information collected on the exit screen is the exit destination. This is required.