**This is a working article that continues to be updated**

The reports found in the Report Library are pre-configured (canned) reports that are accessible to all Clarity End Users in our community. These reports are not customizable. The reports located in the Data Analysis tab of Reports are created by the HMIS Support team and are either available to the whole community or agency specific. For more information on these reports, please see this folder: Dashboards : (freshdesk.com) To request a custom report, please contact HMISsupport@end-homelessness.org.

Clarity HMIS Report Library : (freshdesk.com)

How to Run Reports : (freshdesk.com) 

Common Report Parameters : (freshdesk.com) 

Clarity HMIS Report Library Output Formats : (freshdesk.com) 

  • HUD Reports
  • Data Quality Reports
    • DQXX-102 Program Data Review - The report that provides information on program participation duration for active and inactive clients, while also reporting data quality scores for the chosen program.
    • DQXX-103 Monthly Staff Report - The Monthly Staff Report provides three categories of information:
      * General data quality
      *User Activity (including the number of clients, [both existing and new] that each staff member worked with during the time frame of report.)
      *Data quality by data element (e.g. Date of Birth, Race, Ethnicity, Veteran Status, etc.) for all clients served.
    • DQXX-121 Project Start Date > Project Exit Date
    • DQXX-122 Duplicate Assessments Report - This report shows clients with more than one of the same type of assessment completed within the date range.
    • GNRL-242 Client Project Stay Issues
  • Service Based Reports
    • EXPS-101 Funding Source Financial Detail - This is a service based report that provides details of an agency’s funding source(s) (primary and/or sub-granted funding sources), including a detailed history of their associated service transactions for a specified date range.
    • EXPS-102 Service Expense Review - This service-based report provides information on service transactions connected to selected funding sources.
    • GNRL-102 Client List- This is a service-based report that lists details of all clients, according to housing status and veteran status, who have received selected service item(s) for a specified period of time.
    • GNRL-103 Service Census (Service Based) - This is a service-based report that provides a list of clients who received specific services on specific dates during a chosen reporting timeframe. Drilldown functionality generates all client names for those who received each service, as well a data quality score, and the staff member responsible for entering the information.
    • GNRL-104 Service Summary (Service Based) - This is a service-based report that provides the total number of clients, including the total number of unique clients, who received selected services during the report data range.
    • GNRL-111 Attendance by Days Served - This is a service-based report that provides details of all clients, according to housing status and veteran status, who have received selected service item(s) for a specified period of time.
    • GNRL-112 Client Address/Location - This is a service-based report that provides location and contact information for clients placed in specified service(s) during a specified reporting period. All contact information comes directly from the Locations tab in the client file.
    • GNRL-211 Service Issuance Summary (Service Based) - This service-based report provides a summary of service issuances for a chosen service during a specified period of time.
    • GNRL-403 Public Alert Notice - This is a service based report so any client served by your agency (has an active service placement) within the date range selected who has a Public Alert that is currently active will be listed. Copy/Paste the unique ID for a listed client into the search function to access the full alert. Only the title of the Public Alert will be visible in the actual report.
    • JRSD-103 Zip Code Jurisdiction Breakout  - This is a service-based report that lists the number of individual clients and number of households in a service by zip code. For the same report designed for programs, use [JRSD-104] Zip Code Jurisdictional Breakout.
    • OUTS-1050F Client Demographics (flat version) - This report provides client demographic details for selected services for a specified time period. For the report that is designed to collect demographic for programs, use [OUTS-106] Client Demographics. For a service-based demographics report that includes charts, graphs, and figures use [OUTS-105] Client Demographics. This report provides the same information as [OUTS-105] Client Demographics, but charts, graphs, and figures are excluded from this report. As with [OUTS-105] Client Demographics, the information for this report comes from the client profile screen.
    • OUTS-105 Client Demographics  -This report provides client demographic details for selected services for a specified time period. For the report that is designed to collect demographic for programs, use [OUTS-106] Client Demographics. For a version of a service-based demographic report that does not include charts, graphs, and figures use [OUTS-105] Client Demographics (Flat Version) The information for this report comes from the client profile screen.
    • OUTS-107 Households Served - This is a service-based report that provides unduplicated counts of total persons served for specified services. It also provides total households served, including a list of all household members associated with each service. PLEASE NOTE: Household members do not require a service placement to be included in the totals. The Household Served Report counts all members of the client group who are actively linked to the client who has received the service.
  • Program Based Reports
    • EMPL-101 Employment Report - This is a program-based report that lists client employment history for clients who are enrolled and/or exited from a housing program during a specified time period. This report pulls data only from the employment service placements within the related program. It does not reflect employment statuses in the client profile screen or program enrollment screens. 
    • EMPL-102 Employment / Education Report - This is a program-based report providing the employment and education status for clients who are currently enrolled and/or exited from the selected program during the selected reporting dates. Capturing full data requires the addition of custom fields to program enrollment screens such as felony and felony_register. 
    • EXIT-101 Potential Exits - This is a program-based report that list clients who are active in the program but have not received services since the selected cut-off date. 
    • EXPS-103 Program Funding Source Financial Detail
    • GNRL-105 Program Participation Summary - This program-based report provides basic program information for both active and inactive clients (with the option to include household members) for the specified program(s) during the report dates. 
    • GNRL-106 Program Roster - This program-based report lists program stay information for clients with the selected status in the selected programs. The status options are: Active within report date range- meaning that the client's project stay is active at least one day within the report date range (use this option to capture all clients active at any time within the date range), Enrolled within report date range- meaning the client's enrollment date is within the selected report date range, and Exited within report date range- meaning the client's exit date is within the selected report date range. Also, a client will be listed more than once if they have enrolled in a program more than once in the report date range, or if they have enrolled in more than one program when multiple programs are selected. 
    • GNRL-220 Program Details Report 
    • GNRL-230 Program Group Income
    • GNRL-240 Program Household Served Report
    • GNRL-241 New vs Re-Entry Client Program Classification
    • GNRL-247 NOFA CoC Project Data Query - This report pulls data for all clients active within the selected program during the selected date range. If the client was enrolled more than once, data from the most recent program stay is used. The program group from that stay is used to determine households with children, without children, only children or unaccompanied children. 
    • GNRL-400 Program Linked Service Review - This report runs in Excel format only and provides a detailed listing of all services linked to the selected program(s). Clients are separated by a color block and the services are listed by date provided. Expense amounts, both separate and accumulative per client, are included. 
    • GNRL-406 Service Census (Program Based) - This report provides a count of clients that received selected services per day within the report date range by program.
    • GNRL-407 Service Summary (Program Based) - This report provides a number of unique clients, number of services, and number of service days per selected service within the report date range by program.
    • GNRL-408 Service Issuance Summary (Program Based) - This report provides a summary of issued services within the report date range by program. 
    • JRSD-104 Zip Code Jurisdiction Breakout - The Zip Code Jurisdictional Breakout report lists the number of individual clients and families in a program by zip code. For the same report designed for services, use [JRSD-103] Zip Code Jurisdictional Breakout. 
    • OUTS-101 Program Outcome Measures - This program-based report provides program outcome information that includes program client exit information, housing status of exited clients, and efficiency/process measures. It also provides agency participation totals, and unduplicated counts of clients exited from either each program category and/or collectively. 
    • OUTS-102 Performance Monitoring - This program-based report measures program performance and acts as a performance evaluation tool to indicate program achievement in specific performance standards. 
    • OUTS-106 Client Demographics - This is a program-based report that provides client demographic details for selected programs for a specified time period of time. For the service-based version of this report, use either [OUTS-105] Client Demographics Report or [OUTS-105] Client Demographics Report (Flat Version). 
    • OUTS-200 Program Outcomes - This program-based report provides types of client cash and non-cash benefits present at time of exit from mainstream programs. It also reports housing outcomes for Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing programs. 
    • OUTS-205 Program Recidivism
    • OUTS-720 Client Program Service
  • Assessment Based Reports
  • Profile Screen
  • Housing
    • HSNG-102 CoC Housing Assessment Report - This report provides a monthly housing attendance average within HMIS for each month of the reporting period for all participating agencies. The four Point in Time (PIT) dates are also provided to assist in the assessment of individual housing programs inclusion in the HIC and the former AHAR.
    • HSNG-104 Monthly Housing Report
    • HSNG-105 Weekly Housing Census - This is an enrollment-based report intended to serve as a seven-day review of housing programs.
    • HSNG-108 Housing Census
    • HSNG-200 Current Housing Availability
  • Community and Referrals
  • Agency Management