Common Report Parameters

Reports found in the Report Library require a user to select specific report parameters prior to running the desired report. This is a list of most common report parameters and descriptions to help users understand the options available to them.

This is not a comprehensive list.  This article will be updated on a continuous basis.

CoC filter Category

  • Agencies in CoC - The report will only pull from Agencies with the selected CoC 
  • Agencies with Programs in CoC - The report will only pull from Programs/Projects with the selected CoC
  • Agencies with Sites in CoC - The report will only pull from Sites with the selected CoC
  • Agencies with Bed Inventory in CoC - The report will only pull from Bed Inventories with the selected CoC. (Be aware, choosing this option will limit to only those projects with Bed Inventories.)


Choose which CoC to include in the report

Continuum ProjectChoose to include all project, only continuum projects, or non-continuum projects


Whether the clients were Active or Newly Enrolled in the reporting date range

Funding Criteria

For most official grant submissions, choose "Not Based on Funding Source"

Additional options:
  • No Funding Source - the report is based on funding source; however, there is no funding source assigned to services
  • Only Primary Fundings - the report only pulls data from services with primary funding sources (see Introduction to Funding Sources)
  • Primary and Subgrant Fundings - the report only pulls data from services with either primary or subgrant funding sources

Funding Status

Choose whether to include active and/or inactive funding sources


Choose the funding sources to include in the report

Household Member Type

Whether the clients are HoH or not


Program Type(s)

Project type code you want to view data for (Select one or multiple)

Program Status

All projects or filter to only Active or Inactive projects within the HMIS 


Programs you want to view data for  (Select one or multiple)

Screen Type

Select the screen where data was input that you want to view data from.


Services you want to view data for  (Select one or multiple)


"Active" means the client's entry date was on or before the beginning of the report date range
"Enrolled within report range" means the client has a project start date on or after the beginning of the report date range and on or before the end of the report date range
"Exited within the report range" means the client project exit date is on or after the beginning of the report date range and on or before the end of the report date range

Switch Access Agency(-ies)For admin users who have access to more than one agency's data

Veteran Status

Whether or not the clients in the report are veterans

Report Date Range

The date range for the data in the report

Report Output FormatsSee separate table below.

Client Project Stays

All Active clients in the report range, Clients who were newly enrolled in the report range, or clients who exited in the report range. This is similar to the "Status" field

Report Output Formats

Webpageproduces a report that can be accessed in the internet browser – this format allows users to drill down into different data points to view more specific data.  This version cannot be saved, it is only accessible through the report queue and will expire after 8-12 hours.
PDFproduces a downloadable PDF version of the report – this format is recommended for documentation or presentation purposes.
Excelproduces a downloadable Excel version of the report – this format allows users to modify or edit data.
CSV-Detailsproduces a downloadable Zip file with multiple Excel documents.  Documents will include Client information/PII.
CSV-Uploadproduces a downloadable Zip file with multiple Excel documents.  Documents will NOT include Client information/PII.  This format is used when uploading reports to HUD.