Clarity HMIS Report Output Formats

Clarity offers many different reports in its Report Library. This article will focus on the options for viewing and working with them. Click here to learn how to run reports.  

Output  Formats

Choose your Report Output Format: Web Page, PDF, Excel, CSV-Details, or CSV-Upload.

  • Web Page
    • Displays in table format.
    • Viewable in the queue for 8-10 hours; if the report is not in the queue, the user will have to re-run the report. 
    • Users can't download or save the report.
    • You can only have a single report of the same report type. If you run a second version of the same report with different criteria, it will overwrite the first report.
    • Offers drill-down functionality to review client details.
      • Web page drill-down option:
        • Click into any number in the report to get a second web page with a list of clients counted in that measure, including relevant client details.


  • CSV drill-down option:
    • Click into any number in the report to get a CSV download with a list of clients counted in that measure, including relevant client details.
    • You can open the CSV spreadsheet in MS Excel to work with the data.
    • You can save the file to share or work with later.
    • Please note: These drill-down reports will contain clients' personally identifiable information and must be stored or shared securely and consistent with the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Security and Privacy Plan.

  • PDF
    • Can be downloaded and stored electronically
    • Printer-friendly
    • Doesn't have drill-down or detail functionality
    • Can't edit/add comments 
  • Excel
    • Downloaded, save, and share spreadsheets.
    • Easy to edit and add comments
    • Doesn't have drill-down or detail functionality
    • Question are exported to separate tabs
  • CSV-Upload
    • Exports the report tables so they can be uploaded to SAGE, the HUD data repository
    • Table shells included in the export contain de-identified client-level data, i.e., no PII is included in the export
    • Exported as a zip file which contains each question as a separate table
    • Can be reviewed and edited in Excel
  • CSV-Details 
    • Exports the report data with client detail so the data can be reviewed, sorted, filtered, etc.
    • Exported as a zip file that contains several tables that split the data by Client Universe (Youth, All Clients, Adults) and specific table questions (Q22e, Q22c, Q9a-Q9b, Q6f, Q6d) for measures that pull from system-wide data vs. program-specific data.
    • This can be helpful when trying to identify data problems but does require knowledge of Excel to navigate.
    • Please note: The CSV-Details report contains clients' personally identifiable information and must be stored or shared securely and consistent with the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Security and Privacy Plan.
  • XML
    • A file with the extension .XML is a text file that downloads to your computer. To open and read the file, you'll need an app to convert the file and then open it. 
  • ZIP with XLSX
    • A ZIP file is a single computer file that contains one or more larger files. It's usually used to compress large files so your computer can store them more easily. When you choose the ZIP file output, the system downloads the completed report to your computer, then you open the ZIP file to reveal the individual files. You then click on the individual files to open them. XLSX is a way of displaying the files in an Excel format. 

Output  for Specific Clarity Reports

The majority of reports in the Clarity reports library offer Web Page, PDF, and Excel format outputs:

However, some reports offer additional output format options, while others do not offer the options above. Continue reading for examples and details about these exceptions. 

  • [HUDX-111] HUD CSV/XML Program Data Export: is only available in CSV, XML output formats.

  • [HUDX-224] PATH Annual Report [Oct 2019 Update]: is available in Web Page, PDF, Excel, ZIP with CSV formats.

  • [HUDX-225] HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2020]: is available in Web Page, PDF, Excel, or Zip with XLSX (if you choose the 'Details Report' for the Report Output Mode') output formats. Drill-down options (available when you choose the Web Page output format) include Web Page, PDF, CSV. 

  • [HUDX-228] ESG CAPER [FY 2020]: is available in Web Page, PDF, Excel, CSV Upload output formats. Drill-down options (available when you choose the Web Page output format) includes  Web Page, PDF, CSV.

  • [GNRL-220] Program Details Report [2019]: is available in ZIP with XLSX output only. 

  • [GNRL-242] Client Project Stay Issues: is available in Web Page, PDF, CSV-Details output formats. 

  • [GNRL-400] Program Linked Service Review: is available in Web Page and Excel output formats.

  • [GNRL-210] Assessment Details Report: is available only in Excel output.

  • [GNRL-212] Profile Details Report: is available only in Excel output.

Personally Identifiable Information


Please note: The CSV-Details report contains clients' personally identifiable information and must be stored or shared securely and consistent with the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Security and Privacy Plan. 

More Resources:

Here are more resources from Bitfocus for understanding Clarity's report library:

Report Library Overview:

Generating a Report: 

Scheduling Reports:

How do I run a Report:

Sage Upload:

Pentaho 101: (Pentaho is the name of the tool that is used for reports found in the Clarity Library).

Contact Us

If you need help or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Support Team at or by calling 513-263-2790       9:00 a.m. - 3: p.m. Monday through Friday excluding holidays. 

Note: When contacting HMIS Support about a particular client, please do not send personally identifiable information such as full name, social security number, medical records, financial information, or any other information used to determine a person's identity. Instead, send the client's Clarity Unique Identifier or Vesta Public ID.