Two new PSH program specific Data Elements were added in the 2022 Data Standards for CoC funded programs.  This information is taken directly from the CoC Program HMIS Manual: CoC Program HMIS Manual - FY 2022 ( 


For individuals and households supported by Permanent Supportive Housing projects, HUD is seeking to understand how measures of well-being change over time using Well Being (data element C1). The questions asked within this data element could generate responses from individuals that require additional follow-up and support. For example, if an individual responds with “Strongly disagree” to the question, “Client perceives their life has value and worth”, intake workers need to address that response intentionally with additional resources, support in accessing resources, and/or referrals to other professionals who can provide the necessary support. HUD is working to provide additional training and guidance around how to ask the Well Being questions in a trauma-informed way to minimize harm and provide suggestions for how to work directly with individuals when asking the questions. 

QuestionsResponse Options
Client perceives their life has value and worth

Client perceives they have support from others who will listen to problems

Client perceives they have a tendency to bounce back after hard times
Response Options
0 – Strongly Disagree
1 – Somewhat Disagree
2 – Neither Agree or Disagree
3 – Somewhat Agree
4 – Strongly Agree

Client's frequency of feeling nervous, tense, worries, frustrated, or afraid.
0 – Not at all
1 – Once a month
2 – Several times a month
3 – Several times a week
4 – At least every day

Moving On Assistance Provided 

As part of its strategic priority to end homelessness, HUD encourages communities to explore Moving On strategies in their communities for clients in PSH who may no longer need or want the intensive services offered but continue to need assistance in maintaining their housing. In July 2019, HUD issued a SNAPS In Focus message that provided guidance to communities around Moving On strategies and a link to a Moving On resources page on the HUD Exchange. The FY2022 Data Standards incorporate a new data element for PSH projects to collect information on clients who receive Moving On assistance. This data element is to be collected for the Head of Household and at any point within the project enrollment that the information changes. 

Moving On Assistance is located in the "Provide Services" Tab in the Program Level Navigation for PSH programs:

Each category has a Start Date and End Date, as well as space to leave additional service notes:


One new program specific Data Element was added in the 2022 Data Standards for YHDP funded programs.  This information is taken directly from the YHDP HMIS Manual. ( 

Youth Education Status 

The purpose of this element is to determine whether youth heads of household are accessing educational programs at the time of project start and exit, and to allow for analyzing changes in education status of youth between project start and exit. Achieving educational goals is a core outcome for preventing and ending youth homelessness, especially for clients who need additional education to achieve sufficient earned income to afford stable permanent housing and make a sustainable exit from homelessness. Collecting education information at both the start and end of a project enrollment supports plans to link clients with appropriate educational programs and supports, and helps CoCs improve system design and partnerships by analyzing cross-systems connections to educational programs.

QuestionsResponse Options

c. Current School Enrollment and Attendance
0 - Not currently enrolled in any school or educational course
1 - Currently enrolled but NOT attending regularly (when school or the course is in session)
2 - Currently enrolled and attending regularly (when school or the course is in session)

Dependent A – Response 0 Most recent Education Status
0 – K12: Graduated from high school
1 – K12: Obtained GED
2 – K12: Dropped out
3 – K12: Suspended
4 – K12: Expelled
5 – Higher Education: Pursuing a credential but not currently attending
6 – Higher Education: Dropped out
7 – Higher Education: Obtained credential/degree

Dependent B – Response 1 or 2 Current Education Status
0 – Pursuing a high school diploma or GED
1 – Pursuing Associate’s Degree
2 – Pursuing Bachelor’s Degree
3 – Pursuing Graduate Degree
4 – Pursuing other post-secondary credential


SSVF HP Targeting Criteria

The SSVF Homelessness Prevention Targeting Criteria Screening is entered on the program enrollment for all heads of households. This element is required for SSVF funded Homelessness Prevention projects only. It is not required for any other VA funded project types. *Please note there have been significant revisions to this section with the 2022 HUD HMIS Data Standard Updates.

Contact Us

If you need help, or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS support team at or by calling 513-263-2790 9:00am - 3:00pm Monday-Friday (excluding holidays).

When contacting HMIS Support, please do not include any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, etc. Please only use the Clarity Unique Identifier found on the Clarity client profile page.