STEH HMIS Support offers online training through our on-demand training portal, STEH HMIS on-demand training can be completed at your own pace. You can complete the training in multiple sittings, stopping the training and restarting where you left off. We recommend you complete the training within seven days. Users will have access to the training portal for two weeks following completion so the content can be referenced after the user begins using Clarity for real client data entry.

Scheduling a Course

Review the course catalog or review this article "STEH On Demand Courses" to identify which courses best fit the needs of the Clarity User.

Request training in either of the following methods:

1. Email HMIS Support

Email Include the following information in the email:

  1. The user's first name and last name
  2. The user's email address
  3. Any additional projects the user will need access to in Clarity (Coordinated Access, KEYS, etc.)
  4. Any additional processes the user will need access to (referrals, availability, etc.)
  5. The user's required access level (e.g. reports only, intake user - data entry but no access to reports, power user, access for both data entry and reports)

The user will receive three emails:

  1. An email from HMIS Support with HMIS login credentials (for new users).
  2. An email from the LMS training portal containing the user name and password for the training portal.
  3. An email from the training portal with a link to the course(s) that has been assigned to the user.

HMIS Support will contact the HMIS Lead to confirm the user is approved before the user will be provided access to the agency's data in Clarity. HMIS Support will monitor the user's training progress and will update the user's Clarity access once the training has been completed and the Agency HMIS Lead's approval has been received. 

2. Request a Course from the Course Catalog

Users or their supervisors can review the course catalog.

  1. Users can click on the desired course.
  2. Select "Get this course"
  3. Create an account for the LMS training portal.

HMIS Support will contact the Agency HMIS Lead to:

  • Confirm approval for the user
  • Request the names of programs the user will require access to (for new users)
  • Identify the user's access role (e.g. reports only, intake user - data entry but no access to reports, power user, access for both data entry and reports) (for new users)

The user will receive two emails:

  1. An email from HMIS Support with HMIS login credentials (for new users, access to agency data will not be granted until the user completes training).
  2. An email from the training portal with a link to the course(s) that has been assigned to the user.

Contact Us

If you need help, or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS support team at or by calling 513-263-2790 9:00am - 3:00pm Monday-Friday (excluding holidays).

When contacting HMIS Support, please do not include any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, etc. Please use the Clarity Unique Identifier found on the Clarity client profile page.