About The Reports

Both the [OUTS-105] and [OUTS-106] reports deal with client demographics in similar ways, but with a major difference:

  • [OUTS-105] provides client demographic details for anyone receiving selected services within the report date range. If a service is provided to a HoH group members are not included in this report; a separate report would need to be run for each group member in the program.
    • You will see two versions of [OUTS-105]: [OUTS-105] Client Demographics (Flat Version) and [OUTS-105] Client Demographics.  The Flat Version does not contain charts, graphs, and figures, while the latter version does contain charts, graphs, and figures. 
  • [OUTS-106] provides client demographic details for selected programs for a specified date range. 

Each is important because they allow you to view and track data for multiple clients at a glance, which may help judge the effectiveness of your agency's programs and services. 

The [OUTS-105] Client Demographics report retrieves its data from the client profile screen, while [OUTS-106] Client Demographics retrieves data from both the client profile screen and the client's program enrollment screen. 

For example, the first chart in each report groups clients along the X-axis by age range, while the Y-axis shows the number of clients. Below the chart is a table with the same information. When displaying the information as a web page, you can drill-down from the table (see the Knowledge Base article on 'Outputs' for more information about viewing the data). 

Most of the other information is displayed as pie charts with tables underneath. 

Finding the Reports

Click the Launcher and select 'Reports'. This opens the report library. 

For [OUTS-105], select 'Service Based Reports', then click 'Run'.

For [OUTS-106], select 'Program Based Reports', then click 'Run'. 

Running the Reports

Because each report details different information, they have different parameters. 

[OUTS-105] Service-Based

  • Choose the Service Status (All Services, Active Services, Inactive Services)
  • Select the Service(s) (All, individual or multiple--to select separate multiple services, hold down the 'CTRL' key and select the services using your mouse. To select multiple consecutive services, hold down the 'Shift' key and select the services using your mouse.)
  • Select the 'Veteran Status' (All, No, Yes, Client Doesn't Know, Client Refused, Data Not Collected)
  • Enter the Date Range
  • Select Output Format (Web Page, PDF, Excel)
  • Click 'Submit'

[OUTS-106] Program-Based

  • Choose the Program Type(s)
  • Select the Program Status (All, Active, or Inactive)
  • Choose the program(s) in the same way as with the [OUTS-105] by using the Shift/Ctrl key
  • Choose veteran status as before
  • Enter the date range
  • Choose the client stay status you want to include: All, Newly Enrolled, or Exiting. Each category will only show clients in the chosen categories:
    • 'All Active' displays every client enrolled in the selected date range whether they entered or exited the program before or during the date range
    • 'Newly Enrolled' displays only those clients entering the program during the date range
    • 'Exiting' displays only those clients exiting the program during the date range
  • Select Output Format (Web Page, PDF, Excel)
  • Click 'Submit'

Output Formats

See the Knowledge Base article Clarity HMIS Report Library Output Formats for more information on output format choices. 

Reading the Reports

As noted above, each chart is followed by a table. If the data output is Web Page, you can drill down to client-specific data into the information (this works for both reports):

You can then copy and paste the Unique ID in the Clarity search bar to pull up the client's profile

Contact Information

If you need help, or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Support team at HMISsupport@end-homelessness.org or by calling 513-263-2790 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

When contacting HMIS support about a particular client, please do not send personal identifiable information such as social security numbers, medical information, or other data that can be used to identify a client. Instead, use the Clarity Unique ID.