The Medical Home is collected to satisfy United Way funding requirements and is collected for all housing projects within the Cincinnati/Hamilton County CoC. Medical home refers to the place where a client receives primary care, coordination of health care, and/or medical advocacy. This field can be found in Clarity Client Program Enrollment and Exit screens: "Medical Home."
If the client has a medical home, toggle on the button next to "The client has a medical home." If known, fill in the rest of the information with the medical home's information: Name, address, etc. Complete the rest of the enrollment normally.
More information about the Medical Home model can be found at the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services website:
More Resources
For more detailed and the most up-to-date information regarding HUD required HMIS Program Data Elements, please find the Data Standards Manual here: HMIS Data Standards - HUD Exchange.
Contact Us
If you need help, or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS support team at or by calling 513-263-2790 9:00am - 3:00pm Monday-Friday (excluding holidays).
When contacting HMIS Support, please do not include any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, etc. Please only use the Clarity Unique Identifier found on the Clarity client profile page.