HMIS project fees are billed annual. Invoices are created and sent out by the STEH Finance team. This articles provides an overview of HMIS responsibilities:

  1. Pull an active project list by agency.
    1. Edit the list so projects assigned to collaborative agencies such as KEYS are billed to the appropriate organization.
    2. Confirm which projects should be billed. NOTE: as of 12/2024 the VA and STEH Shelter Diversion projects are not billed/invoiced.
  2. Send individual emails to each agency requesting them to confirm their project list is correct. This saves time vs. generating invoices and then receiving corrections.
  3. Send the correct project list to the Finance team once all organizations confirm their project list.

Previous years' documentation can be found here: Agency HMIS APAs and Invoicing 

Please note, there are cases where additional invoicing is required. In these cases, the terms and conditions are approved by the CEO and CFO prior to incurring any costs. Work with the STEH Finance Team to determine what is needed from HMIS:

  • ESNKY is billed quarterly in advance for all Clarity costs. They are outside of our CoC so our HMIS grant does not cover the cost of their fees.
  • BHS pays quarterly in advance for Stand Alone Looker access.