The CHO HMIS Overview is meant to be a tool that allows agencies to verify information currently in the system. Whenever there are changes to users, inventory, bed counts, which users should receive referral notifications, or anything else, this is where you can check to see what is currently in place.  

All of the data in this dashboard is set defaulted to be pulled from "in the last day." 

Number of Active Enrollments: This number is the total of active enrollments from all active programs.

Number of Active Households: This numbers is the total of all active households from all active programs. 

Programs: This lists your agency's active programs and their type.

Services: This provides a list of active services added to any programs in the last 5 days.

Bed Allocation Counts (Inventory): This tile details the current inventory for each project. 

AvailabilityThe type of availability of a group of beds/units in an Emergency Shelter. A program may have one or more types of availability. This could be:
  1. Year-round Year-round beds and units are available on a year-round basis. 
  2. Seasonal Seasonal beds are not available year-round, but instead are available on a planned basis, with set start and end dates, during an anticipated period of higher demand. 
  3. Overflow Overflow beds are available on an ad hoc or temporary basis during the year in response to demand that exceeds planned (year-round or seasonal) bed capacity. 

Other program types do not have an "Availability" type

Household TypeThe type of household for a specific group of beds/units. A program may have one or more household types for a program. This could be:
  1. Households without children Beds and units typically serving households with adults only. This includes households composed of unaccompanied adults and multiple adults 
  2. Households with at least one adult and one child Beds and units typically serving households with at least one adult and one child
  3. Households with only children Beds and units typically serving households composed exclusively of persons under age 18, including one-child households, multi-child households or other household configurations composed only of children
Start DateThe date a group of beds/units came available
Bed Allocation Type
  1. Beds dedicated to chronically homeless (CH) Veterans The number of beds that are dedicated to house Veterans experiencing chronic homelessness and their household members. 
  2. Beds dedicated to youth Veterans The number of beds that are dedicated to house youth (persons up to age 24) Veterans experiencing homelessness and their household members. 
  3. Beds dedicated to any other Veterans The number of beds that are dedicated to house Veterans who are not youth and not experiencing chronic homelessness and their household members. 
  4. Beds dedicated to chronically homeless youth The number of beds that are dedicated to house youth (persons up to age 24) experiencing chronic homelessness and their household members. 
  5. Beds dedicated to any other youth The number of beds that are dedicated to house youth (persons up to age 24) experiencing homelessness who are not Veterans and are not experiencing chronic homelessness, and their household members. 
  6. Beds dedicated to any other CH Beds dedicated to non-youth, non-Veteran persons experiencing homelessness. The number of beds that are dedicated to house persons experiencing chronic homelessness and their household members.
  7. Non-dedicated beds All other (non-dedicated) beds not already accounted for in dedicated bed fields. The number of nondedicated beds for persons experiencing chronic homelessness, youth, or Veterans used to house persons experiencing homelessness and their household members. 

Chronically homeless (CH) beds are prioritized in our community.

Total Bed InventoryThe sum total of dedicated and non-dedicated bed inventories available for occupancy as of the 'Inventory Start Date'
Total Unit InventoryThe 'Total Unit Inventory' is a count of the total number of units available for occupancy as of the 'Inventory Start Date'

Active Users: The total number of active, locked, and inactive user accounts.

Referral Notification Responsible Staff List: This is a list of staff members who are set up to receive notifications about program referrals. The HMIS Team can update this at any time for any of your agency's programs.

Active End Users + Additional Access: This tile provides a list of all staff who have this agency as their "primary agency." Please note, if there are staff members at your agency who have a different primary agency, they will not be included on this tile. 

Contact Us

If you need help or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS Support Team at or by calling 513-263-2790 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday-Friday excluding holidays. 

When contacting HMIS Support, please do not include any Personal Identifiable Information such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, etc. Acceptable information is the Clarity Unique Identifier found on the Clarity client's profile page.