2024 HMIS Data Standard Updates
HUD has released the 2024 HMIS Data Standards. These standards were created and are updated every few years to better understand those experiencing homelessness or those at risk of experiencing homelessness. The updated standards allow HUD, funders, CoCs, and Agencies to more successfully record and analyze client, service, and housing data. The following changes will be implemented on October 1, 2023, in the Clarity HMIS System.
Please note that HMIS Data Standards and question/response options are set by HUD and determine what data is collected from individuals and households and stored within the HMIS. The Cincinnati/Hamilton County CoC is not able to make any changes to HUD required data elements.
The updated HUD documents and manuals can be found here: HMIS Data Standards - HUD Exchange. More Information and training will be provided by STEH HMIS System Administrators. Please be on the lookout for additional information via our newsletter.
The 2024 HMIS Data Standards have been completely reformatted and rewritten to reflect a person-centered approach after receiving extensive feedback from persons with lived experience and HMIS users. These changes can be seen in the Race and Ethnicity questions as well as Gender. In addition, throughout the HMIS data points, the picklist selection will change from “Client Refused” to “Client prefers not to answer.”
Data Analysis Considerations
FILTERS – any retired, relabeled, or adjected fields will need attention
Retired picklist options with be marked inactive in Clarity, but the values will remain reportable in Data Analysis
Retired fields will be phased out
Universal Data Elements / Client Profile
- 3.01 Name
- Data collection instruction change – Client may provide preferred name. “Legal name” not required unless required by the funder.
- 3.02 Social Security Number
- Data Collection instruction change – HUD CoC and ESG, and SAMHSA PATH Programs require only last four digits of SSN to be required.
- 3.04 Race and Ethnicity (see chart below)
- Combine Race and Ethnicity into single data element. (Eliminate 3.05 data element)
- Add response option for “Middle Eastern or North African” and modified “Hispanic/Latina/e/o” response option.
- Added text box to provide additional detail.
- 3.06 Gender (see chart below)
- Change Female to "Woman (Girl if child)"
- Change Male to "Man (Boy if child)"
- Change “Gender other than…” to "non-Binary"
- Add "Culturally Specific Identity (e.g., Two-Spirit)”
- Add "Different Identity" and text box to add detail
- 3.07 Veteran Status Remove details of definition. Refer to VA Data Guide for legal definition of “Veteran”
Program Enrollments / Updates / Exits
- Language Changes:
- Domestic Survivor Victim --> Survivor of Domestic
- Violence Client Refused --> Client Prefers not to Answer
- Client location --> Enrollment CoC (3.16)
- Prior Living Situation / Current Living Situation / Destination Response Categories (Appendix A)
- Type of Residence / Destination
- Re-organize response options under headers
- Re-number responses by adding a standard # to the beginning of each response number based on category (i.e., 1xx for homeless situations, 2xx for temporary situations, etc.)
- Separate Temporary and Permanent Situations into separate headers
- Add dependency for permanent subsidized options
- Detailed rental subsidy options removed and added to separate subfield “Rental Subsidy Type”
- Language Change:
- “Emergency Shelter” to remove “or RHY funded” language
- "Host Home" to remove "or RHY funded" language
- Approximate Date Homelessness Started
- Added "in this episode" to response : Approximate date this episode of homelessness started."
- Type of Residence / Destination
Program Specific Changes
- 2.02 Project Information – NEW
- Rapid Re-Housing Projects – split into two projects
- RRH Services Only
- Used if housing funds are provided by another funding source No bed/unit inventory
- RRH Housing with or without services
- Must be used if project receives any ongoing rental funds
- RRH Services Only
- Rapid Re-Housing Projects – split into two projects
- 2.02 Project Information – NEW
- ES
- 2.02 Project Information
- Emergency Shelter Projects - split into two projects
- ES Entry Exit
- ES Night by Night
- Emergency Shelter Projects - split into two projects
- 2.02 Project Information
- C4 Language Translation Assistance Needed
- Added Y/N field
- If Yes, preferred language picklist of up to 20 locally selected language options
- Languages selected by community:
- American Sign Language
- Arabic
- Chinese Mandarin
- French
- German
- Mali (African)
- Napali
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Somali
- Soninke
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Vietnamese
- Walof and Fulani
- Yiddish or Pennsylvania Dutch
- C1 Wellbeing - RETIRE
- R3 Sexual Orientation - NEW
- Added Picklist
- Heterosexual
- Gay
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
- Questioning/Unsure
- Client doesn't know
- Client prefers not to answer
- Data not collected
- If other, please describe (textbox)
- Added Picklist
- W1 Services Provided – HOPWA
- Remove “disorder” from Substance Use services/treatment response
- W3 Medical Assistance
- Remove “Receiving Public HIV/AIDS Medical Assistance" field and dependency responses from the element
- W5 Housing Assessment at Exit
- Updated language to say "Jail/prison" and "Deceased"
- W1 Services Provided – HOPWA
- R3 Sexual Orientation
- Add HUD: CoC – PH: Permanent Supportive Housing to Funder: Program Component required to collect for adults and HoH
- R14 RHY Service Connections
- Response label change – change “mother” to "client (person who gave birth)"
- R17 Project Completion Status and R18 Counseling
- Client voluntarily left early
- Change response labels from “Youth” to “Client”
- R3 Sexual Orientation
- VA
- V1 Veteran’s Information
- Add “Space Force” response option
- V2 Services Provided – SSVF
- Change “Subsidy” to “Shallow Subsidy"
- V3 Financial Assistance – SSVF
- Change “Date” field to "Start Date of Financial Assistance"
- Change “Extended Shallow Subsidy – Rental Assistance” to “Shallow Subsidy - Financial Assistance"
- Add "Landlord Incentive"
- Add "Tenant Incentive"
- Add new Field - "End Date of Financial Assistance [date field]
- V4 Percent of AMI (SSVF Eligibility)
- Change response/picklist as follows:
- 3.07 Veteran Status
- Remove details of definition. Refer to VA Data Guide for legal definition of “Veteran”
- V1 Veteran’s Information
- C4 Language Translation Assistance Needed
Contact Us
If you need help, or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS support team at HMISsupport@end-homelessness.org or by calling 513-263-2790 9:00am - 3:00pm Monday-Friday (excluding holidays).
When contacting HMIS Support, please do not include any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, etc. Please use the Clarity Unique Identifier found on the Clarity client profile page.