HMIS Glossary Of Terms (
Homeless Management Information Systems - Implementation Guide - Glossary (
Acronym | Term | Definition |
AHAR | Annual Homeless Assessment Report (LSA) | |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | |
AMI | Area Median Income | |
API | Application Programming Interface | An API is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs enable the exchange of data, features, and functionality between applications, simplifying and accelerating software development |
APR | Annual Progress Report | Report that tracks program progress and accomplishments in HUD`s competitive homeless assistance programs. The APR provides the grantee and HUD with information necessary to assess each grantee`s performance. |
ARD | Annual Renewal Demand (for CoC Application) | |
ARP | American Rescue Plan | |
ARPA-SLRF | American Rescue Plan Act - State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds | |
BBB | Block By Block | |
BCP | Basic Center Program | |
Bed | ||
Bed Night | ||
Bed Utilization | An indicator of whether shelter beds are occupied on a particular night or over a period of time. | |
BFZ | Built for Zero | Group that works with communities across the nation to find innovated way to use/improve processes and data analysis. Does provide some funding. (not official definition) |
BHS | Bethany House Services | CHO |
CAA | Community Action Agency | |
CAP | Central Access Point | |
CAPER | Consolidated Annual Performance Report | |
CARA | Caracole | |
CBI | Community Bridges, Inc. | |
CCTST | Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training | |
CDBG | Community Development Block Grant (fed to state) | |
CE | Coordinated Entry | |
CES | Coordinated Entry System | |
CFHSC | Cincinnati Family Housing Stability Collaborative | Also known as Impact Award |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulation | |
CGM | City Gospel Mission | |
CH | Chronically Homeless | HUD defines a chronically homeless person as an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years. To be considered chronically homeless, persons must have been sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (e.g., living on the streets) and/or in an emergency homeless shelter during that time. |
CHAT | Cincinnati Housing Assessment Tool | |
CHO | Covered Homeless Organization or Contributing HMIS Organization | Any organization (including its employees, volunteers, affiliates, contractors, and associates) that records, uses, or processes data on homeless clients for an HMIS. The requirements of the HMIS Final Notice apply to all Covered Homeless Organizations. |
CILO | Center for Independent Living Options | CHO |
CM | Case Management / Case Manager | |
CMHA | Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority | |
COBRA | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (Continuation of health coverage) | |
CoC | Continuum of Care | A community with a unified plan to organize and deliver housing and services to meet the specific needs of people who are homeless as they move to stable housing and maximize self-sufficiency. HUD funds many homeless programs and HMIS implementations through Continuums of Care grants. |
CPD | Community Planning and Development | |
CPS | Child Protective Services | |
CQI | Continuous Quality Import | |
CSV | Comma-Separated Values | |
DAF | Diagnostic Assessment Form | |
Deidentification | The process of removing or altering data in a client record that could be used to identify the person. This technique allows research, training, or other non-clinical applications to use real data without violating client privacy. | |
DIT | Data Import Tool | |
DOB | Date of Birth | |
DV | Domestic Violence | |
EA | Emergency Assistance | |
EFSP | Emergency Financial Services Program | |
E/E | Entry/Exit Shelter | |
EHV | Emergency Housing Voucher | |
ES | Emergency Shelter | |
ESG | Emergency Solutions Grant | A federal grant program designed to help improve the quality of existing emergency shelters for the homeless, to make available additional shelters, to meet the costs of operating shelters, to provide essential social services to homeless individuals, and to help prevent homelessness. |
ESNAP | Electronic Special Needs Assistance Program | |
EX / EXCEL | Excel Development | CHO |
FH / FHIHN | Found House | CHO |
FHP | Family Housing Partnership | |
FMR | Fair Market Rent | |
FSFB | Free Store Food Bank | |
FSPP | Family Shelter Partnership Program | |
FY | Fiscal Year | |
GCBHS | Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services | CHO |
GCF | Greater Cincinnati Foundation | |
GPD | Grant Per Diem | |
HSLC | Housing Stability Learning Cohort | |
HCM | Homeless Case Management | |
HCRP | Homeless Crisis Response Programs (from OH Development Services Agency) | |
HCHV | Health Care for Homeless Veterans | |
HCV | Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) | |
HDGF | Housing Development Gap Financing | |
HDX | Homeless Data Exchange | |
HDX 2 | Homeless Data Exchange 2.0 (for LSA) | |
HIC | Housing Inventory Count | |
HIPP | Homeless Individuals Partnership Program | |
HMIS | Homeless Management Information System | |
HoH | Head of Household | |
HOG | Homeless Outreach Group | |
HOME | Housing Opportunities Made Equal | |
HOPWA | Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS/HIV | HOPWA provides housing assistance and related supportive services for persons with HIV/AIDS, and family members who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This project has different project reporting requirements than the other HUD funded projects described in the Policies and Procedures. |
HP | Homeless Prevention | |
HPRP | Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing | |
HPRR | Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing | |
HSP | Housing Stability Program | |
HTC | Housing Tax Credit | |
HTH | Homeless to Homes | |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development | The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a Cabinet department in the Executive branch of the US. Federal government. HUD’s goal is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. |
IDIS | Integrated Disbursement and Information System | |
IHN | Interfaith Hospitality Network | |
JFS | Jewish Family Services or Job and Family Services | |
LGS | Large Group Scoring | |
LISC | Local Initiatives Support Corporation | |
LEO | Lab for Economic Opportunities | |
LOTH | Length of Time Served in a particular project | |
LOS | Length of Stay | |
LSA | Longitudinal System Analysis | The LSA is a report submitted by each CoC on an annual basis, and includes demographic, performance, and household composition information, as well as patters of system use. The LSA from each CoC is consolidated to create the AHAR that is submitted to Congress. |
LYS / LYFS | Lighthouse Youth Services / Lighthouse Youth and Family Services | CHO |
MCO | Managed Care Organization | |
MHSRB | Mental Health and Recovery Services Board | |
NCR | National Church Residencies | CHO |
NISRE | Nothing Into Something Real Estate | |
NKHD | Northern Kentucky Health Department | |
NKIDHD | Northern Kentucky Independent District Health Dept | |
NOFA | Notice of Funding Availability | An announcement of funding available for a particular program or activity. |
NOFO | Notice of Funding Opportunity | |
NSP | Neighborhood Stabilization Programs | |
NSPIRE | National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate | |
OCD | Office of Community Development | |
ODSA | Ohio Development Services Agency | |
ODOD | Ohio Department of Development | |
OHFA | Ohio Housing Finance Agency | |
OHTF | Ohio Housing Trust Fund | |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | |
OPH | Other Permanent Housing | |
OTRCH | Over the Rhine Community Housing | CHO |
OVGI | Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries | CHO |
PATH | Proj. for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness | |
PBRA | Project-Based Rental Assistance | |
Performance Measures | A process that systematically evaluates whether your program’s efforts are making an impact on the clients you are serving. | |
PCL | The Partnership Center LTD | |
PH / PSH | Permanent Housing / Permanent Supportive House | |
PII / PPI | Personal Identifiable Information / Personal Protected Information | |
PIT | Point in Time Count | |
PPI | Personal Protected Information | |
PRA | Permanent Rental Assistance | |
PSH | Permanent Supportive Housing | |
PWA | Persons with AIDS/HIV | |
PWOD | Persons with Other Disorders | |
RHY | Runaway and Homeless Youth | The Runaway and Homeless Youth Program (RHY) supports street outreach, emergency shelters and longer-term transitional living and maternity group home programs to serve homeless youth (up to age 25). The program is managed by the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB). |
RRH | Rapid Rehousing | |
SA or TSA | Salvation Army | CHO |
SAMI | Substance Abuse, Mental Illness | |
SBRA | Sponsor-Based Rental Assistance | |
SD | Shelter Diversion | |
SHP | Supportive Housing Program | |
SHVG | Shelter House Volunteer Group | CHO |
SMI | Severely Mentally Ill | |
SO | Street Outreach | |
SPC | Shelter Plus Care | |
SRO | Single Room Occupancy | |
SSO | Supportive Services Only | |
SSVF | Support Services for Veteran Families | This program is overseen by the VA, and the purpose is to provide supportive services grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives who will coordinate or provide supportive services to very low-income veteran families who are residing in permanent housing, are homeless and scheduled to become residents of permanent housing within a specified time period, or after exiting permanent housing, are seeking other housing that is responsive to such very low-income veteran family’s needs and preferences. |
STEH | Strategies to End Homelessness | |
STRMU | Short Term Rental/Mortgage/Utility Assistance | |
SPM | System Performance Measures | The HUD System Performance Report measures the performance of a CoC as a whole as mandated by the 2009 HEARTH Act. The System Performance Report analyzes the performance of Safe Haven, Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, and Permanent Housing (including Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid ReHousing, and Other Permanent Housing) project types in the Orange County CoC that participate in HMIS. |
TA | Technical Assistance | |
TAL | Talbert House | CHO |
TANF | Temporary Assisstance for Needy Families | |
TBRA | Tenant-Based Rental Assistance | |
TGGH | Tom Geiger Guest House | |
TH | Talbert House or Transitional Housing | |
THLP | Transitional Housing Leasing Pool | |
TLP | Transitional Living Program | |
TM | Tender Mercies | CHO |
UFA | United Funding Agency | |
VA | Veteran's Administration | CHO |
VASH | VA Supportive Housing | The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs) and community-based outreach clinics. |
VAWA | Violence Against Women Act | A federal law that, in part, provides housing protections for people applying for or living in units subsidized by the federal government and who have experienced domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, to help keep them safe and reduce their likelihood of experiencing homelessness. For more information, including a list of VAWA’s housing protections, please refer to |
VESTA | Virtual Electronic Services Tracking Assistance (HMIS) | |
VI-SPDAT | Vulnerability Index - Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool | |
VOA | Volunteer of America | CHO |
YAB | Youth Action Board | |
YDST | Youth Dedicated Service Team | |
YHDP | Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project | |
YOP | Youth Outreach Program | |
VSP | Victim Service Provider | Private nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to provide direct services to victims of domestic violence. This term includes permanent housing providers—including rapid re-housing, domestic violence programs (shelters and non-residential), domestic violence transitional housing programs, dual domestic violence and sexual assault programs, and related advocacy and supportive services programs. |
YWCA | Young Women's Christian Association | CHO |