There are three important facets of program enrollment:

Enrolling a Single Client into a Program

From the client's profile click on the "Programs" tab. The PROGRAM HISTORY section will show past program enrollments for the agency you are logged into. The PROGRAMS AVAILABLE section shows programs that are available for enrollment. Click the down arrow to the right in order to open the program. 

The program description box opens, giving you information about that project.

Click the "Enroll" button to begin the enrollment process. 

(You can also enroll any family members into the same program from this screen. See Adding Household Members into a Program with a Client below). 

Complete all information requested as accurately as possible.

Enrollment Screen

 Note: Some fields may differ depending on the specifications of the particular program the client is being enrolled into.

When you've completed the enrollment screen, click "Save and Close" at the bottom. Scroll to the top of the screen to make sure the entry was saved correctly.

A green bar shows you have successfully saved the enrollment. 

A red bar indicates there are errors that must be corrected before the system will allow you to save the enrollment. Correct any errors, then save until you see the green bar. 

Enrolling Groups/Households

At the time of initial enrollment

From the Head of Household's profile click on the "Programs" tab. The PROGRAM HISTORY section will show past program enrollments for the agency you are logged into. The PROGRAMS AVAILABLE section shows programs that are available for enrollment. Click the down arrow to the right of the program name. 

The program description screen will show any family members associated with the client's global household. Toggle the button next to the name of the family member(s) enrolling in the program.

Continue the enrollment as detailed above. When you have completed the head of household's enrollment click 'Save and Next.' Scroll to the top to see the green bar indicating the enrollment has saved. If the enrollment saved, Clarity automatically will load the next household member's enrollment and will continue to walk you through each household member's enrollment until the entire household has been enrolled. 

Once all household members are enrolled, you will land on the Head of Household's 'Provide Services' or 'Assessments' tab depending on the program type.

Adding Household Members to an Existing Program

After the primary client has been enrolled

From the Head of Household's profile click on the "Programs" tab. Click on the edit button next to the program name.

On the right side of the screen, click the plus sign next to "Program Group Members". A toggle box appears with the names of the client's global household. (Note: household members must be linked to the global household before being added to an enrollment.)

Toggle the button next to the name(s) of the members going into the program. Click the enroll button, and proceed as detailed above until all members are successfully enrolled. 

What to Do if a Client is Enrolled Individually into a Program by Mistake

Sometimes household members are enrolled individually into a program by mistake, rather than as a group. In this case, contact HMIS Support and we can merge the enrollments. 

How to Set a Program Enrollment to Private

  • After enrolling a client in a program, if they would like all program data private, select the edit icon next to the assigned staff name in the green box.
  • Toggle on "Make Program Private."
  • By toggling on "Make Program Private" the enrollment and all items will now only be visible/accessed by users signed into that agency.

Important Enrollment Data Elements

Click on the resources below for instructions on entering Enrollment data fields. 

Project Start Date  


Housing move-in date

Prior Living Situation

Disabling Conditions and Barriers

Cash Income for Individual 

Non-cash Benefits

Health Insurance

For more information, check the following Bitfocus articles: 

How Do I Enroll a Client/Household into a Program?

How Do I Add a New Household Member to the Program?

Contact Us

If you need help, or wish to offer suggestions or feedback, please contact the Cincinnati/Hamilton County HMIS support team at or by calling 513-263-2790 9:00am - 3:00pm Monday-Friday (excluding holidays).

When contacting HMIS Support, please do not include any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, etc. Please use the Clarity Unique Identifier found on the Clarity client profile page.